British Main course Pork

Pork chops with creamy mushroom and sherry sauce


  • 4 pork chops
  • 250g mushrooms (any kind you like)
  • 3 tbsp sherry
  • 1 tbsp grainy mustard
  • 200ml crème fraiche


Preheat grill. Line a grill pan with foil and lightly oil it. Put the chops on top in a single layer.
Cut mushrooms in half if they are quite big, leave whole if they are small. Then toss them in a little olive oil and season. Season the chops then grill on one side until golden for 6-8 minutes. Turn over and arrange the mushrooms around them. Grill the chops and mushrooms until they are just cooked.

Remove the grill pan from the heat and sprinkle over the sherry, stirring into pan juices. Blend together the mustard and crème fraiche, and season. Spoon around the chops and stir in. Put the grill pan back under the heat and keep an eye on it until sauce starts to bubble.

Serve with rice or potatoes

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