Chicken Italian Main course

Chicken Kiev


Cooking time
1 hour


2 Chicken breasts, skin removed
75g Ricotta
2 Large cloves garlic, finely chopped
A little lemon zest
Handful of grated parmesan
Parsley and basil, finely chopped (adjust amount to suit your taste)
Salt and pepper
1 Egg, beaten
Flour and breadcrumbs to coat


Mix together the ricotta, garlic, lemon zest, parmesan and herbs, season to taste – remember the parmesan is quite salty.  Flatten each chicken breast out between 2 bits of cling film using a rolling pin or meat tenderiser until the chicken is about the same thickness as a pound coin (about 5 mm). Season the flattened out chicken and then lay it out on a large piece of cling film so that it creates two square areas of chicken, try not to leave any holes of gaps.

Divide the filling mixture between the two chicken kiev breasts, i.e. half the mixture in the middle of each of the squares.  You now want to roll up the chicken kiev so that it is properly sealed in, to do this take one side of the chicken and fold it over the edge of the mixture, carefully tuck it in.  Now roll the mixture over so that the outside of the clingfilm wraps around the outside of the chicken.  Tuck in the ends and thenpinch the cling filmat each end and twist it so it is tight.  Continue to tighten the clingfilm and the kiev by holding the ends and rolling to chicken across a flat surface, tie the ends and then chill for at least 30 mins – see Cook’s tip. Flour, egg and crumb each ‘kiev’.

Heat a good amount of olive oil in a frying pan and add the chicken kievs on a medium high heat. Brown on both sides before transferring to a preheated oven (180C) to finish cooking – this will take about 10-15 mins depending on the thickness of the chicken.

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