For this pasta with smoked mackerel recipe choose a good pasta like De Cecco which typically takes around 10-12 mins, the pasta should be cooked through but with a little bite to it. You can’t get a better place to source mackerel than Scotland so make sure you get something that it is good quality, Italian […]
Tag: Favourites
Prepare the topping ahead. Gently saute the shallot and garlic in 1 tbsp oil for about 5 minutes until softened. Remove from the pan into a bowl with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add a further 2 tbsp oil to the pan and saute the mushrooms over a high heat, stirring frequently for about […]
Pasta with peas and cream
Slice the garlic and set aside. Add a good glug of olive oil to a pan and heat up, add the chicken when hot and brown on all sides, if you want to add pancetta do it now. In the meantime put your pasta on to cook in a deep pan of water, with about […]
Dry roast 2 tsp of the cumin seeds until dark brown. Set aside. Heat oil in a pan, add remaining cumin seeds. When they begin to crackle, add the onions and fry until soft. Add chicken and brown. Add garlic and ginger and fry for 3-4 mins. Add tomatoes, turmeric, chilli, salt, garam masala and […]
Honey Chilli Chicken
Cut chicken into thin strips, dust with flour. Fry in batches in the oil until golden – remove from the pan and keep warm. Add chicken stock to the pan to deglaze then add chilli flakes, soy sauce and honey. Bring to the boil and bubble to reduce and thicken to a syrupy consistency. Pour […]
Chicken laksa
Chicken laska is a classic Asian recipe and worth the effort. Poach the chicken. Pour about 250ml boiling water into pan, roughly chop poaching ingredients (except chicken) and add to pan. Add whole chicken breasts, a pinch of salt and poach over very gentle heat for about 20 mins or until just cooked. Remove from […]
Chicken dopiaza
Chicken dopiaza is a classic Indian curry and translates as double onions. The key to this curry is to cook the onions for a long time slowly until they are golden brown; that way the will give curry a sweet nutty flavour.